Sunday, June 25, 2006
I am down with a very very terrible soar throat.. It's so so pain.. I used to hate seeing chinese doctor and drinking chinese medicine.. BUT i have no choice now.. It's so pain till i volunteer myself to the CHINESE MEDICAL CLINIC... i gonna to have a visit there tml..
Feel so sorry to Li Ting & Ben.. cos initially wanted to do project de.. haix.. hope they don't blame mi!! Haix!! This month my soar throat have been occuring for 3 times.. 3 TIMES IN A MONTH!!! haix.. Have to drink more water next time!! Sallowing my saliava also very very difficult!!
That's it!!!
Thursday, June 22, 2006
It's time to update!!!
Recently been busy with our projects...
And also BUSY with the WORLD CUP!!!
hmm.. overall still lose $$..
if overall win, will treat deardear, ben and ting to a big feast!!! HAHAHA!!!
so ting & ben BETTER WISH MI GOOD LUCK!!!
Monday, June 12, 2006
Today went to SCDF for our so-called "practical" lesson.. We have 2 lessons all together.. Firstly is the lesson on CPR!
William, Desmond Ang, Jordan, Nurul & Pauline demonstration!!!
we went to the canteen and have a break.. their food is nice &
CHEAP!!! haha... i ate chicken chop.. 2nd part of our lesson is on bandages...

Ting bandaging injured Ching!!!

2 half-dead ppl!!!

Ching & Ting So Pathetic!!!
We Having FuN!!
Ben Dont Cry!!!
2 Paralysed People!!!
Mi & Ting Are Paralyse!!! Ching with her bandage!!!
Mi & Ting with broken Hand!!!
My Class!!
Mi, Adeline & Huiwen!!!
Me & NoNo!!!
Me & Ching!!!
Me & Ching !!!
10 June 2006 Saturday1 day aft my common test.. hmm but still have to wake up early to go for work.. special things was talking to Kathy, Peter (both my cs dept. manager), Desheng abt friendster and msn while waiting for Deardear to knock off.. haha den took a photo with Miss Kathy.. hahaha..
me & Kathy (De Sheng behind!!!)

Deardear behind play game!!!
11 June 2006 Sunday
yest went to work early in the morning till 4.. during lunch break.. some unhappiness.. haiz.. but aft work ok liao.. aft tat went home to change and went to Richard's bday celebrating at semb. park.. haha.. meet Joanna and Ah Pow at Yishun MRT.. den take bus from semb interchange.. reach there initially very boring and sianz.. but aft tat quite fun.. aft tat Deardear send mi home.. and he went out to watch soccer with his frens until very late bahx...

Mi & Deardear!!!
Friday, June 09, 2006
yes!!! today is the last day of common test.. today halfly give up my SAM.. wat i study cant go in.. heeehee.. but nvm.. finally tests over.. but i left with 1 more FMM tests as i took a MC on mon.. hmmm.. nvm .. still can enjoy.. went home with ching.. we took a pic on the bus..
see our bluffy eyes...
and we talk abt this
"jason" who happens to be ching sec sch classmates.. haha.. aft tat i went to play bball aft my paper.. ching went to meet her bf.. today no strength to shoot ball.. haha.. all the strength were used to write my test.. hahaha.. den joel and jeremy came.. and they brought the rain with them too...haha.. den mi and my cousin went void deck to transfer all my songs and pic to my
NEW 512 MB card.. hahaha.. so happy.. can take lotsa pic and lotsa of songs.. hehehe..
kinda nice day bahx.. see ya all..
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
heehee.. hi everyone.. i should be mugging instead of blogging now.. but really
dun have the mood to mug.. so so tired.. haha.. my whole mind was to
enjoy.. haha... kinda sian.. hmmm..
yest i have my ENM common test.. i think i can have a boardline pass or fail result bahx.. not very confidence cos i didnt study much..
later will have BMD in the afternoon.. so so sianz.. hehee..
kinda tired of my poly life with some people.. hmmm.. forget it.. Holiday is coming.. i m going to
work & work & work.. i wanna a lot of $$ and go
SHOPPING!!! hahahaha...
good luck to all having common test
Monday, June 05, 2006
hahaha.. hi everyone...
I AM ON MC AGAIN!!!hahaha.. yest went to see a doc.. throat gt infected again.. hahaha.. but not as serious as the past.. hehehe.. so i will be focusing my revision on ENM.. heehee... hmmm later going to acc mum to her appointment.. kinda tired.. hehee...
Actually i duno whether to stay on or to give up!!! maybe if i still stay on.. end up you will get hurt deeper.. hmmm.. wat should i do???
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Everyone in the house in sick.. my throat gt worsen... its very pain.. my bro down with fever today.. sis also sick.. haha.. all together wan.. so tired.. and still have to study for the common test.. haix.. no mood... go take a nap liao.. no mood to blog in detail also .. bye everyone.. will be back soon..