Monday, July 30, 2007
Hi all...
i'm been too lazy to blog.. hehe
today was a normal day.. jus now reached home gt a headache.. tml took 2 hrs off in the morning to rest more.. hehe
was sleeping jus nw.. so wake up and blog and surf net awhile before going to bed again..
anyway below are the batam photos:

the girls!

us again!

*randy* & *me*

the handsomes!


us again!


*jes*me*chris*renu* ivy is sleeping...

the high child!


the girls.. where is renu!

Renu missing again!
Saturday, July 21, 2007
hi all...
been lazy and no time to blog.. hahahah
batam trip last sat and sun was fun and shiok! a good relaxing day.. shall upload the photos soon.. hahahhaa..
today woke up at 10 plus..considered early! hahaha.. wake up eat my breakfast ironing and watch tv.. had durians for my lunch.,. weird ar.. hahaha.. wanting to go and dye my hair .. waiting for the lady to call mi as she is busy with customers now..
tml got to wake up early for the walk-a-jog... hmm
tat about all.. shall update soon..
have a good weekend.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Today duno why i feel so sian.. no mood for anything.. damn tired...
got to chase them for the invoices and pass payments.. been chasing for quite a long time already?? hahahaha.. hope they wont be pissed with me pestering them to pass payment hahaha!
went for IUP+ meeting.. so tired.. meeting ended around 10 plus.. during the meeting so blur and tired..
hmmm overall very tired and not my day for me..
going to slp now.. good night guys..
Sunday, July 08, 2007
weekend is here again...
hmmm basically my work in the last week is still alright.. 2 days was away from work for my Value Awareness Programme (VAP). thru' this VAP, i got to know a lot of new colleagues that are working in the company and have real lot of fun! hehehe.. thru' this VAP or brainwashing session, i really learn a lot.. but learning and imposing it into your daily life it's quite hard but nevertheless nothing is impossible, nv say die if you haven try! hehhee..
will continue striving for the better.. ^_^
next week gt to catch up on estate work.! hehehe..
1 more thing i am very happy about..
My parents i managed to get the permit to go to batam!!! hehehhee.. but feel sad because i could not attend ting ting's 21st bday celebration..
p.s: ting, i will meet you out to make it up to you!! muacks!
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Happy Birthday to my Daddy & Shi Ling!!!
Yesterday went to Thai Sakura Resturant to eat to celebrate daddy bday.. hahaha.. today eat streamboat also to celebrate my daddy bday again.. Shiok ar..
today went for the VAP training... it last for 1.5 day so tml also gt to go for the training. so boring.. gt to wake up early to take a bus to paris ris for the training.. ZzzZz.. duno why this morning wake up my back aching... which make my whole day so boring.. the event is quite fun with all the games and activities make it not so bored..
tml half day VAP training.. after that took time off.. wanting to go for a massage but not confirm yet.. see how tml...
good night.
Monday, July 02, 2007
today work overall still okay... Finished with the newletters stuff already.. so good.. hehehe...
went to International Sakura Buffet Resturant for dinner with my team.. hehee.. very nice and funny dinner.. Joy really make us laugh like duno wat.. she is really our kai xin guo lo.. hehehe...
the food there not bad.. like the icecream especially Strawberry flavour lol!.. hahaha
tat all.. Good night to all..
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Hi all,
1st july everyone will think abt the GST hike.. hahaha..
haha.. it's been a busy past week.. so nv had a time to blog.. hmmm last week busy with newletters.. hahaha.. everyday work till almost 12am den went home.. hmmm a tired and aching week.. going for a massage one of the day.. hmmm.. nth much to blog hehe.. so fast another week had passed..
today slp till 3pm den wake up... so shiok.. hehe.. met up with june for a coffee and chit chat.. once in awhile its good to have a coffee chat.. thanks..
good nite all..
sweet dreams.